1.Demo and 2.Demo1
1.Stu_Details Table
These Tables just for example......
2.tblGender Table
Note:This below tables i used for all the following commands
--select database
use Demo
--List of Database
exec sp_databases;
--create database
create database Demo1
--creating table
create table Stu_Details (
ID int not null primary key,
Name varchar(30) not null,
Dept varchar(20) not null,
Email varchar(30) not null,
Contact numeric(12),
Gender varchar(6)
--Adding column
alter table stu_details add Age int
--Altering a table
alter table stu_details alter column gender varchar(6) not null
--creating table with identity and primary key
create table tblGender (ID int not null identity primary key,Name varchar(30) not null)
--Selecting tables
select *from tblGender;
select *from Stu_Details;
--Renaming Column name
Exec sp_rename 'stu_details.course','dept'
Exec sp_rename 'stu_details.course','dept','column'
--Inserting Tables
insert into Stu_Details values(1,'prakash','B.Com','',12365656)
insert into Stu_Details values(2,'chandru','IT','',779898965)
insert into Stu_Details values(3,'mari','EEE','',5488956232)
insert into Stu_Details values(4,'shanthi','CSE','',8965632323256)
insert into Stu_Details values(5,'mani','MCA','',1231545,null)
insert into Stu_Details values(7,'Ramesh','DCE','',6569745,1)
insert into Stu_Details (ID,Name,Dept,Email) values(8,'Ammu','Aero','')
insert into Stu_Details (ID,Name,Dept,Email,Genderid) values(9,'abi','IT','',4)
--Updating table
update Stu_Details set genderid=1 where ID=2
update Stu_Details set genderid=2 where ID=4
update Stu_Details set Email='', genderid=1 where ID=3
update Stu_Details set genderid=1 where ID=1
--Inserting values into IDENTITY table
insert into tblGender values ('Male')
insert into tblGender values ('Female')
insert into tblGender values ('Unknown')
--Selecting Top * values from the table
select top 2 *from Stu_Details;
select top 1 percent *from Stu_Details;
--Count the no rows in a table
select COUNT(*) from Stu_Details;
select COUNT(*) from tblGender;
--foreign key
alter table stu_details add constraint stu_details_GenderID_FK
foreign key (genderid) references tblgender (ID)
--Default Constraint (Fill automatically if we created default constraint)
alter table stu_details add constraint stu_details_DFV default 3 for genderid
--Delete default constraint
alter table stu_details drop constraint stu_details_DFV
--Cascading referential integrity
use Demo1
select *from tblgender
select *from Stu_Details
delete tblGender where ID=3
--Using check constraint (Set limit by condition to column)
alter table stu_details add constraint stu_details_Age_CK check (age>0 and age<100)
--trying to add wrong value
insert into Stu_Details(ID,Name,dept,Email,age) values(10,'parthi','ITI','',-9999)
insert into Stu_Details(ID,Name,dept,Email,age) values(10,'parthi','ITI','',27)
--Set identity to column
set identity_insert tblgender off
insert into tblGender (Name) values('unknown')
--Reset IDENTITY column
DBCC CHECKIDENT (tblgender,reseed,10)
insert into tblGender (Name) values('unknown')
--It Starts from value 11
--Delete or update multiple columns using 'IN' Keyword
delete tblGender where ID in (5,6)
update Stu_Details set GenderID=2 where ID in (5,8)
1.Demo and 2.Demo1
1.Stu_Details Table
These Tables just for example......
2.tblGender Table
Note:This below tables i used for all the following commands
--select database
use Demo
--List of Database
exec sp_databases;
--create database
create database Demo1
--creating table
create table Stu_Details (
ID int not null primary key,
Name varchar(30) not null,
Dept varchar(20) not null,
Email varchar(30) not null,
Contact numeric(12),
Gender varchar(6)
--Adding column
alter table stu_details add Age int
--Altering a table
alter table stu_details alter column gender varchar(6) not null
--creating table with identity and primary key
create table tblGender (ID int not null identity primary key,Name varchar(30) not null)
--Selecting tables
select *from tblGender;
select *from Stu_Details;
--Renaming Column name
Exec sp_rename 'stu_details.course','dept'
Exec sp_rename 'stu_details.course','dept','column'
--Inserting Tables
insert into Stu_Details values(1,'prakash','B.Com','',12365656)
insert into Stu_Details values(2,'chandru','IT','',779898965)
insert into Stu_Details values(3,'mari','EEE','',5488956232)
insert into Stu_Details values(4,'shanthi','CSE','',8965632323256)
insert into Stu_Details values(5,'mani','MCA','',1231545,null)
insert into Stu_Details values(7,'Ramesh','DCE','',6569745,1)
insert into Stu_Details (ID,Name,Dept,Email) values(8,'Ammu','Aero','')
insert into Stu_Details (ID,Name,Dept,Email,Genderid) values(9,'abi','IT','',4)
--Updating table
update Stu_Details set genderid=1 where ID=2
update Stu_Details set genderid=2 where ID=4
update Stu_Details set Email='', genderid=1 where ID=3
update Stu_Details set genderid=1 where ID=1
--Inserting values into IDENTITY table
insert into tblGender values ('Male')
insert into tblGender values ('Female')
insert into tblGender values ('Unknown')
--Selecting Top * values from the table
select top 2 *from Stu_Details;
select top 1 percent *from Stu_Details;
--Count the no rows in a table
select COUNT(*) from Stu_Details;
select COUNT(*) from tblGender;
--foreign key
alter table stu_details add constraint stu_details_GenderID_FK
foreign key (genderid) references tblgender (ID)
--Default Constraint (Fill automatically if we created default constraint)
alter table stu_details add constraint stu_details_DFV default 3 for genderid
--Delete default constraint
alter table stu_details drop constraint stu_details_DFV
--Cascading referential integrity
use Demo1
select *from tblgender
select *from Stu_Details
delete tblGender where ID=3
--Using check constraint (Set limit by condition to column)
alter table stu_details add constraint stu_details_Age_CK check (age>0 and age<100)
--trying to add wrong value
insert into Stu_Details(ID,Name,dept,Email,age) values(10,'parthi','ITI','',-9999)
insert into Stu_Details(ID,Name,dept,Email,age) values(10,'parthi','ITI','',27)
--Set identity to column
set identity_insert tblgender off
insert into tblGender (Name) values('unknown')
--Reset IDENTITY column
DBCC CHECKIDENT (tblgender,reseed,10)
insert into tblGender (Name) values('unknown')
--It Starts from value 11
--Delete or update multiple columns using 'IN' Keyword
delete tblGender where ID in (5,6)
update Stu_Details set GenderID=2 where ID in (5,8)
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